Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Jumble

A. Roasted sweet potatoes with olive oil, a little thyme, and garlic salt is one of the most incredible things I've ever tasted.

B. The hospital is not a five star hotel where you have special guest services. Yes, we want to serve you and care for you, but grumpily asking for a backrub at midnight when I'm finally getting to catch up on my charting is assuming a little much.

C. On the other hand, bringing someone some graham crackers and juice before they ask for it doesn't take that much energy and can build a lot of rapport in a relationship. There's a balance between taking an extra step to make someone happy and becoming their personal slave and getting burned out.

D. Here's a link to a Buzzfeed article that I really liked. (Warning- there's some language)
A lot of these facts are so true I just want to kiss the person who wrote the article. There are others that don't apply to me as much. But I do have a lot of poop stories, there are days when I forget to drink water or go to the bathroom, I have no clue what I'm walking into every time I walk on the unit, and I love what I do.

E. Taylor Swift's new album is awesome.

F. Doctors are humans too. Some of them are fantastic people who tease me and teach me and help me out as much as they can. One doctor knew I was busy and put in all the admission orders himself. Another doctor helped explain a test that I didn't understand.  Others can be kind of rude. Or ignorant. Or think that I am only working with their patient and have nothing else to do. Or refuse to answer my phone calls.

G. I have gone to the dark side. I ordered a smart phone today. I'm leaving the Age of the Dinosaur behind.


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