Sunday, November 28, 2021

Fit to Burst

Currently, life is like my favorite tunic- which is currently with my seamstress being repaired- again. Every couple of months, I have to take it back because another seam has ripped. This time, I split a seam in the armpit while playing ping pong. Last time, it was the slit at the bottom that tore while getting on my moto. Before that, it was my pocket seam from the weight of all my supplies while working at the hospital. Life in Togo is not for the fragile of cloth nor for the fragile of heart. God's placed me where I'm being used often, in different directions, and to the point of bursting at each seam. 

My time, energy, and brain power are all split in between teaching 19 enthusiastic nursing students, working at the hospital, scheduling the nurses and nursing aides, grading piles of tests and papers, tracking cancer patients, coordinating and recruiting short-term nurses, repairing or replacing hospital equipment, doing my own homework, preparing Bible studies and ukulele lessons, leading youth group, and spending time with my friends, and man, I love it all. 

Honestly, there have been times in recent weeks when I feel like I'm about to bust a seam. I've felt overwhelmed and exhausted and frustrated and like I just can't. And I'm right- I can't. I can fill my calendar down to the hour with lots of meaningful things, but it's all meaningless unless I remember Who it's all for. As I overestimate the number of hours in the day, I aspire to be Wonder Woman, say yes to everyone and everything, and do it all well without breaking a sweat (ha. haha. hahahahahahaha. I live in Togo...). But I'm not. Below are some lyrics to a song that I've been listening to a lot recently. 

Oh, to be empty and lowly
Meek and unnoticed and unknown
And to God, a vessel Holy
Filled with Christ, and Christ alone
How great is God?
His grandeur endless
How frail I come before His throne
I am lost in love relentless
That Christ be all, and I his own
May Christ be all, and I be nothing
His glory shines in the vessels weak
May Christ be all, and I be nothing
This is my hope
Not I, but Christ in me
-May Christ Be All by Grace Worship
These lyrics have helped remind me that I am here simply to serve Jesus- though I bring so little to the table. Whether that's in Togo or wherever else He leads. Whether it's by accomplishing lots of tasks that seem important or by washing the dishes. Whether I'm frazzled or bored (I can't seem to find a happy medium). Whether I spend time among others or spend time alone with Him, may Christ be all, and I be nothing.
First week of nursing clinicals

Still cancer free!

Prayer requests:

-Please pray for short nurses who can come out from February-April. We are anticipating a critical shortage and desperately need volunteer nurses
-Please pray that the busyness and pace of the hospital doesn't get in the way of sharing the Gospel with our patients and their families
-Please pray for the nursing faculty as we make decisions this week for the upcoming trimester
- Please pray that my team can spread the hope of the Word of God despite language and cultural barriers

-After having to jump several hurdles, we believe that Baby Leah will get to join her forever family next week! 
-God has answered specific prayers by providing short termers who have filled critical staffing gaps
-Two of my cancer patients are still cancer free and are doing well!

Thank you all.
Because they haven't heard,