Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm not a new grad, not yet a proficient

Hehehe. My title was clever. My clever moments are so far and few in between, I have to point them out to you to make sure you don't miss it.

So. I have been through classroom orientation and a couple of weeks on my floor. Goodness gracious it's great. I recognize that it's really early still and I have a lot of time to change my mind, but so far, this floor is fitting me like a glove. Here's a few reasons how oncology nursing is perfect for me:
- I am using my nursing skills
-I am able to support people emotionally when they're having a really bad day.
-There is tons of education for the patients.
- I have the time to look at the whole person and meet their needs.
-A lot of the patients are on the unit for an extended amount of time or come back at another point in time, so I can develop a trusting relationship with them and their families.
-There is the possibility of visible, tangible improvement that I can see from day to day. This is so encouraging for a nurse.
-There is a ton of information for me to learn about cancer. It's not simple.
-8 hour shifts leave me enough energy to still accomplish things the day I work.
-Day shift is bliss.
-Most patients are very motivated to get better. This makes them easier to work with.
-Sometimes my patient's situations are heartbreaking, but because I believe in Christ, I can come from a place of hope and offer that to my patients.
-I get to use critical thinking and think outside of the box.

All is going well. If you're the praying sort, I am currently looking at options for apartments/living situations for when my lease runs out. It's a headache. Thanks!


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