A picture of the grocery store in Lome. This is as American as it gets. Seeing this while being slightly jetlagged and overwhelmed was oddly comforting. We don't have stores like this in Mango. There's an open market and 'boutiques'. These boutiques are made of one small room with three walls. I'll take more pictures sometime.
A termite mound. These are very common- especially in the South.
A dragonfly. In retrospect, this isn't that exciting, but I took this in the first few days. There are so many huge bugs here. Moths and dragonflies and flies that don't just buzz around you but decide to kamikaze into your face. Or mosquitoes that have a numbing agent along with their bite so you don't feel them. Or the ants that decide to have a parade around your house every night. Or cockroaches the size of that perfect skipping rock. Ew.
This is from the wedding I got to attend. It was totally different and truly beautiful. This is a picture of all the pastors from the area gathering around the couple and praying for them. I promise I don't normally take pictures while people are praying.
A view from the drive on the way up to Mango.
It's green, so you know it is rainy season. This will look very different later in the year.
I made a friend. Actually, that is false. He tolerated me.
This is a baobab tree. It isn't a very good picture, but it was HUUUGE!!!The trunk was so thick... if it was hollow, I could live in it.
Me. In a custom tunic. At the nurses station.
Our omnicell/med cabinet.
Nurse central. It's in the middle of all of the wards, so all of the nurses use this for nearly everything. The colorful notebooks on the counter contain our med sheets. There are chairs around the outside and drawers with miscellaneous medical equipment.
This is Rea or basically the ER/post operative area. It can get pretty busy right there.
The current short term nurses enjoying brownies together. They're wonderful. They're teaching me how to adjust, how to love more, and how to share better. A couple of them are leaving soon, and I will miss them even though I've only known them for a short period of time. Two of these girls are my roommates, and they have been so awesome and welcoming to me. I'm grateful for this group.
This might be my favorite picture on my camera roll. I sport this flattering style nearly every day in the hospital. From the long skirt, to the socks with sandals fiasco, to the filthy shoes that squeak when I walk.... You can tell that I am definitely aiming for comfort over anything remotely resembling a fashion statement.
That's all folks! I'll try to take more pictures. I've been here a month already!!!
Miss ya.