Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fight or Flight

    A couple of days ago I started writing a blog post that listed everything wrong I have found in the healthcare system. I got up on a soapbox and started ranting about everything from the hospital cafeteria to the way the dying are treated. I had almost finished, but then I took a break and read my own post. What resulted was my immediate deletion of the entire post. It felt wrong. It felt judgmental from someone who has no business being judgy. I then wrote another post listing fascinating facts about the human body. I might actually post that one on a rainy day, but I didn't feel inspired. The reason you're being subjected to my inner ramblings is that I realized that the reason my first post was so terrible was because I was being a coward. I was whining and complaining while doing nothing about it. I was blaming the system for all of these issues while trying to separate myself from that very system. My reaction to the frustration that I was feeling was to begin a tirade and then feel like I had done my part and could be done with it.

That was my flight reaction.

I think that I've got at least a little bit more figured out now. Not a lot, but just a little. Instead of placing blame on the system or the administration or the culture we live in, I can find ways to fight back. Not like..actually fight... but do something instead of just saying something. Since I only came up with this about 24 minutes ago, my list is rather small.

1. Stop leaving all of the educating until the patient is discharged. Use my 8 hours with a patient to teach and make sure they understand what is going on.

2. Ask questions during unit council and take action on issues that bother me.

3. Start researching palliative care and complementary care and how they are effectively implemented in hospitals.

4. Stop gossiping.

5. Learn more. Think more. Engage more. Do more.

6. Stop letting the system get in the way of caring and common sense. Be an advocate.

That's all for tonight folks!