Thursday, June 27, 2013

The 5 Secrets to Life

When educating patients, I find myself repeating the same things over and over again.

People keep looking for the secrets to living healthy. They try new diets, new exercise programs, and other things to try to live better. Well here's what I have to say to you.

It's really not that complicated! Here are the five things that I would say are the secret to living. (please don't take me too seriously here. This comes from my imagination and has no research behind it.) If I were to ever stand on a soapbox, this would be my message.

Caroline's 5 secrets to living forever

1. Don't smoke. It's bad.
2. Don't drink too much. It's bad.
3. Exercise regularly. It's good.
4. Eat a well balanced diet. When I say well balanced, this doesn't mean that you have to go crazy and only eat vegetables. Follow the  food pyramid or plate or whatever they have. Drink a lot of water. 
5. Practice loving. Love other people, love yourself, and love God. 

That's it! Granted there are things that these five steps won't help. This doesn't cure cancer. It doesn't make you look like a model. But you don't need super complicated and expensive diets or exercise regimens. It's pretty simple.

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